Friday, March 6, 2009

Fraction, Kolovrat, Hassgesang

I must admit most French bands never did much for me. As I had many friends through the years who would bombard me with different French bands, none of which sparked much interest. From time to time I would enjoy what I heard, but I was not sold. Within the recent years I was given a copy of Fraction's "Europa." I instantly took to the style, energy and passion the band played with, I had heard the band before, however, as their previously title Fraction Hexagone. Something was different since I had heard them before-they had changed style.

For over a decade the band Fraction has been performing their ever-evolving brand of music. Perhaps the reason I enjoy this band so much is their williness to adapt, to stay current, and after reading this translated interview from a Russian 'zine I now understand why I admire their direction. I have since collected the majority of this band's works and continue to be impressed. Perhaps, I may go back and check out some of those early 90's French RAC bands I passed up years ago, and find a diamond in the rough.

Read the Fraction interview with Zentropa zine originally interviewed with HERE

"Unity In Action," a split between long time Russian band Kolovrat and German band Hassgesang, is now available on PC records. Coming in at about 45 minutes the CD features songs by both bands in English and of course in both their native tongues.

Kolovrat has released two full lengths albums since their last split with the Portuguese band Guarda De Ferro, "European Freedom Express," in 2006 on Whitenoise records, and continues to be a standard in the Russian scene.

The keyboardist / backing vocalist Dmitry of Kolovrat is involved in anoter project Antisystem. Antisystem was featured on a 2007 split with Sweden's Titania titled "We Are Here To Create Our Own Fate," released by Strong Survive records. The split, although rather underrated, is a person favorite of mine and I anticipate hearing more from both bands.

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